A weekly magazine showcasing current automotive, racing and custom news and trends. Weekly guests include veteran automotive professionals in a variety of disciplines… from car builders to professional drivers, racing team members, marketing experts, authors, custom painters, teachers, track managers and entrepreneurs. Informative automotive buffoonery.
WHAT IS BUD’S GARAGE – The Buds Garage Overdrive show is a 1-hour weekly automotive show with 16 rotating partners that appear on a monthly basis. The show is split into 4 segments weekly. The show has been airing in the Northeast Georgia and Atlanta radio market since 2013 on, AM 550/FM102.9. The show is also live streamed and podcast worldwide. Our target audience includes 35-65 year old’s, automotive enthusiasts and non-enthusiasts alike.
BUD HUGHES – Retired ASE certified dealership technician and engine machinist. Twenty-five year veteran auto mechanics and motorsports instructor. Founder of the Motorsports Vehicle Technology Program at Lanier Technical College. Co-author of the High School Electric Vehicle curriculum for the State of Georgia. Still builds and plays with cars!
TIM DEPASQUALE – Air Force veteran and former over the road trucker. Owner of Tim’s Auto Upholstery since 1976. Upholsterer for car movies, international trade shows, numerous famous personalities and regular everyday folks too! Maintains a personal fleet of vehicles ranging from “Little Eddie” (his hybrid Escape), to his Mack truck “Rat Rod!”